Various Variants

Comparison of the numerous identical representations of the entry into Paris by Henry IV.

The depiction of the entry into Paris by Henry IV in 1594 was portrayed almost identically by artists of great caliber. The original is the painting by Baron Francois Gerard from 1817.

The painter Francois Gerard has otherwise created a completely different style and with completely different pictorial themes. He mainly painted portraits. Also the rating adjusts: this scene was painted by Francois Gerard in the style of the late Renaissance, so the description. Francois Gerard was knighted for this image and received the title Baron. The painting is exhibited in the gallery of Batailles, Versailles. There is also a sketch in the graphic department of the Louvre. If you enter in a search engine on the Internet "Henry IV and entry into Paris", you can view the painting by Baron Francois Gerard and many other paintings of the same content.

Copper engraving of Paolo Toschi, 1819 after the painting by Baron Francois Gerard from 1817


Plate from the Kunstgiesserei Ilsenburg, Germany; the lower edge of the front center image looks like it's a copy of my original.



Galvaic made plate; the lower edge of the front center image looks like it's a copy of my original.


Galvanoplast, acquired in 2017 by me on the internet for comparison purposes. It gives the motive exactly my relief again, only the detail accuracy is much weaker. A comparison of details of both reliefs is made under the item "Comparison with Galvanoplast".